♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦ Police on alert as fuel, bread shortages deepen across Sudan

December 18 – 2018 EL OBEID / KADUGLI / BERBER Callers from Khartoum told Radio Dabanga last week that police have been stationed in all transport hubs and public gathering areas, in anticipation of unrest over the shortages of bread and fuel. This weekend, a number of demonstrations led by students or angry civilians broke out in the Blue Nile, North Darfur, and Khartoum states against the rising prices of food, which prompted violent reactions from police. They used live ammunition, sticks, and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators. On Sunday, dozens of basic and secondary school students and residents of the northern part of Ed Damazin also participated in a demonstration.

A peaceful student demonstration took place in El Fasher, North Darfur, on Sunday, and was also dispersed violently by security and paramilitary forces with tear gas and batons.

Meanwhile, schools in Sudanese towns face a reduction of school hours because they are unable to provide meals to students, as is the case in El Obeid in North Kordofan.

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♦ Darfur governors promise resettlement for displaced at States Conference

December 18 – 2018 NYALA Second Vice-President Osman Kibir ordered state governors in Darfur and all other states to return any land of people who have been displaced by war and now willing to return, to their rightful owners, by force.

At the conclusion of the Darfur States Conference of Displaced People in Nyala on Monday, Kibir instructed the Darfur governors to carry out the so-called voluntary return of displaced people, or carry out their resettlement – all “in accordance with the wishes of the displaced without forcing anyone”. Governor Adam El Faki claimed that new settlers have no place to keep residence in the home areas of returnees.

The head of the peacekeeping mission Unamid South Sector said the Conference is evidence of progress in the peace process and stability in Darfur.

Several associations of displaced people and refugees in Darfur, however, said that they were not represented at the conference. Chairman Yagoub Furi stated that the government attempts “to erase the impact of the displacement through the three-way plan of voluntary repatriation, camp re-planning and resettlement”.


More news from Radio Dabanga:

Bank of Sudan limits cash withdrawal to address liquidity crisis

December 18 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Central Bank of Sudan issued a decision to set the limit of cash withdrawals by bank cards at ATMs at SDG 20,000 ($421*) per…

60% increase in medicine prices in Khartoum

December 17 – 2018 KHARTOUM ​The National Medicines and Toxins Council has allegedly ratified and approved that medicine prices will rise by 60 per cent…

Students protest price surges in Sudan

December 17 – 2018 BLUE NILE/NORTH DARFUR/KHARTOUM ​A number of demonstrations that broke out in the Blue Nile, North Darfur, and…

ICC Prosecutor laments delay of justice in Darfur

December 17 – 2018 DARFUR ​Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), called out countries for failure to arrest and surrender President…

Jibril Ibrahim: Failure of AUHIP talks to revive Sudan roadmap ‘bizarre’

December 16 – 2018 ADDIS ABABA The latest round of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP)’s consultations with Sudanese parties in…

Three Darfur children killed in Jebel Marra shelling

December 16 – 2018 ROKORO Three young siblings were killed in heavy shelling on Karwa area, five kilometres south of Rokoro in Jebel Marra, Central Darfur in Thursday…

Day two of White Nile teachers’ strike; schools suspended

December 14 – 2018 RABAK Teachers in White Nile state continued to strike for the second day in a row to protest against the non-payment of their arrears which has accumulated…

13 Khartoum tea vendors arrested, fined

December 13 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Public Order Court in El Deim district Khartoum, on Wednesday handed-down fines for 13 tea vendors who were detained on…

EU delegation to Sudan marks Human Rights Day 2018 in Khartoum

December 12 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Delegation of the European Union to Sudan, marked Human Rights Day 2018 with an award event and concert in the capital of Khartoum…

Sudan remains on US religious freedom blacklist

December 12 – 2018 WASHINGTON DC Sudan remains among 10 countries on a US blacklist for having engaged in or tolerated “systematic, ongoing, [and] egregious…

Sudanese activist detained by NISS

December 12 – 2018 OMDURMAN On Monday morning, a force of the National Security and Intelligence Service (NISS) held political activist Akram Ahmed from in front of his…


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