♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

♦ ‘Rebels to blame for Nierteti killing’: Central Darfur Governor

January 3 – 2017 NIERTETI Central Darfur Governor Jaafar Abdelhakam has accused the Sudan Liberation Movement-Abdel Wahid (SLM-AW) of involvement in what he called “the riots in Nierteti” which began on Friday and led to the killing of a soldier at Kombo Ghabat, and the subsequent death of two children, with 47 more people injured.

Governor Abdelhakam told a news conference in the state capital Zalingei on Monday that “a joint force from the army, police, and security moved on Sunday morning to Kombo Ghabat area to hunt-down six perpetrators who started opening fire first, and incited people to face the joint forces with a riot”.

He said “the joint forces acted responsibly and faced the raging public with batons and rifle butts, which subjected 28 people, including four police and 19 women, to light injuries. In addition, two members of the same family were killed by bullets fired by the accused.”

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♦ Four Sudanese lawyers’ detention ‘unconstitutional’

January 3 – 2017 KHARTOUM Four Sudanese lawyers, who were detained by agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) during the last week of December, are still being held incommunicado. More than 200 Sudanese lawyers have signed a petition for their release, calling their detention ‘unconstitutional’.

Three of the lawyers were arrested from their offices in Khartoum on 23, 25 and 28 December, while Tasneem Ahmed Taha was arrested from her office in El Fasher on 26 December and transferred to Khartoum.

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Other highlights from Radio Dabanga:

‘70+ Sudanese refugees murdered in South Sudan’: Missionary

January 3 – 2017 MABAN COUNTY More than 70 Sudanese refugees who fled the fighting in Blue Nile state for Doro, in South Sudan’s Maban county in Upper Nile state, were reportedly murdered on 24, 25, 26 December 2016…

Produce vendors refuse to move market in Kassala, eastern Sudan

January 3 – 2017 KASSALA The leaders of the Union of Butchers, Vegetable and Fruit Vendors have been summoned by security officials over their refusal to relocate to a market on the eastern edge of the city….

Soldiers’ New Year revelry injures Central Darfur civilians

January 2 – 2017 ZALINGEI Three people were injured, and several women reportedly miscarried in the early hours of Sunday morning, when regular and militia forces opened fire…

North Darfur displaced reject voluntary return

January 1 – 2017 KABKABIYA The displaced people of the Kabkabiya camps in North Darfur have rejected a programme of voluntary return put forward by a government delegation…

Sudanese Congress Party leader ‘witnessed severe torture’ in detention

December 30 – 2016 KHARTOUM The Deputy President of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), Khaled Omar, says that he witnessed detained students being tortured at Kober prison…

Sudanese journalists rally for press freedom

December 30 – 2016 KHARTOUM A group of Sudanese journalists, including several leading figures in the Khartoum newspaper world, staged a rally in front of the National Council for Press and Publications…

50 passengers robbed at gunpoint on Central Darfur road

December 30 – 2016 MUKJAR A bus carrying 50 passengers from the South Darfur capital of Nyala to Bindisi in Mukjar locality, Central Darfur, was held-up by armed highway robbers on Thursday…

More die of diarrhoea in eastern Sudan

December 30 – 2016 PORT SUDAN / WAD MADANI The current outbreak of acute watery diarrhoea has claimed at least three more lives in Red Sea State….

Sudan President scorns ceasefire agreement with Darfur rebels

December 29 – 2016 KHARTOUM / DARFUR Sudan’s President Omar Al Bashir has refused to sign an agreement for a cease-fire with the armed movements in Darfur…

Sudan’s El Jareeda seized ten times in a month

December 28 – 2016 KHARTOUM On Tuesday, agents of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) seized the print run of Sudan’s El Jareeda newspaper for the tenth time in a month…


This digest is an excerpt from the weekly Darfur & Sudan News Update. Subscribe to the newsletter here

