South Darfur employees to pay for Nyala Hospital upkeep

South Darfur government employees are complaining about a deduction from their monthly salaries for the maintenance and expansion of the Nyala Teaching Hospital.
Governor Adam El Faki on Thursday announced that he has instructed the state’s Ministry of Finance to deduct SDG10 ($2) from the wages of 27,000 South Darfur state employees, in order to maintain and improve the health services at the hospital and replace and acquire new medical equipment.
He said that the hospital is in need of maintenance and additional equipment “since a long time”.
The employees not only protest the reduction without being consulted, but also point to the fact that the governor took the decision without following the procedural legal measures.

South Darfur government employees are complaining about a deduction from their monthly salaries for the maintenance and expansion of the Nyala Teaching Hospital.

Governor Adam El Faki on Thursday announced that he has instructed the state’s Ministry of Finance to deduct SDG10 ($2) from the wages of 27,000 South Darfur state employees, in order to maintain and improve the health services at the hospital and replace and acquire new medical equipment.

He said that the hospital is in need of maintenance and additional equipment “since a long time”.

The employees not only protest the reduction without being consulted, but also point to the fact that the governor took the decision without following the procedural legal measures.

