Gang rape suspect arrested in North Darfur

Three militiamen gang raped a young woman (17) near Tabit in Tawila locality today. One of them was detained by army troops a few hours later.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that the woman was assaulted near the village of Koto, not far from Tabit.

Three militiamen gang raped a young woman (17) near Tabit in Tawila locality today. One of them was detained by army troops a few hours later.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that the woman was assaulted near the village of Koto, not far from Tabit.

“She was severely beaten when she resisted the assailants, who then raped her alternately,” the relative said. “We found her in a bad state, suffering from a serious head wound and bruises all over her body as a result of the beating. We took her to the hospital in Tabit for treatment.”

The incident was reported to the Tabit military garrison.

“The commander responded and immediately sent troops to track the perpetrators. “They captured one suspect within a couple of hours,” she said. “The two others managed to escape.”

