Rizeigat in East Darfur reject ‘biased investigation committee’

Members of the Rizeigat Youth Committee have criticised the committee tasked with investigating the recent tribal clashes in Abu Karinka, East Darfur.
In a memorandum, submitted to the acting governor of East Darfur on Wednesday, the youngsters expressed their doubts about the neutrality of the investigation committee. According to them, the committee members are biased, in favour of the Ma’aliya tribe.
They demanded the committee to leave Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, within 24 hours.

Members of the Rizeigat Youth Committee have criticised the committee tasked with investigating the recent tribal clashes in Abu Karinka, East Darfur.

In a memorandum, submitted to the acting governor of East Darfur on Wednesday, the youngsters expressed their doubts about the neutrality of the investigation committee. According to them, the committee members are biased, in favour of the Ma’aliya tribe.

They demanded the committee to leave Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, within 24 hours.

Acting governor Talha Madibbo told Radio Dabanga that he sent a copy of the memorandum to the military, security, and police commanders in the state, and the authorities in Khartoum.

He further reported that the investigation committee has concluded its inquiries with the East Darfur state security committee.

“On Thursday (today), the committee members, guarded by the army, will visit Abu Karinka, to meet with the locality’s security committee.”

He explained that the committee’s findings will be presented to the Ministry of Justice and the Presidency in Khartoum. “After that, the second phase will start, with investigations into the causes of the clashes.”

Fierce fighting

After various cases of cattle rustling, by both sides, fierce clashes erupted between Rizeigat and Ma’aliya tribesmen north of Abu Karinka town in the early morning of 11 May. Fighting also erupted in the town's northern neighbourhoods, where Rizeigat tribesmen reportedly shelled a number of houses. At least 100 people were killed, and about 24,000 families were reportedly displaced.

The Sudanese Minister of Justice, Mohamed Bushara Dosa, few days later ordered the formation of a high-level investigation committee, consisting of senior officials of the Justice, Defence, and Interior Ministries, the security apparatus, the Military Intelligence, and the Higher Federal Affairs Council.

