Armed militia detains two trains

Demands an agreement over trade with South Sudan for releaseAn armed group took over two trains, one loaded with goods and another carrying passengers, in Elmirim (South Kordofan) on Tuesday. The carriages were headed to the states of north and west Bahr Elgazal in South Sudan. One of the militias said they represented Elmirim’s Youth, and that they would keep the trains under their control until the Sudanese government allows for trade between North and South Sudan. Their conditions for the release of the goods are either a one-billion Sudanese pounds (373,6 mn USD) payment, or a formal agreement allowing the trade with South Sudan, which had been held back since the army’s arrival in Abyei last May.

Demands an agreement over trade with South Sudan for release

An armed group took over two trains, one loaded with goods and another carrying passengers, in Elmirim (South Kordofan) on Tuesday. 

The carriages were headed to the states of north and west Bahr Elgazal in South Sudan. One of the militias said they represented Elmirim’s Youth, and that they would keep the trains under their control until the Sudanese government allows for trade between North and South Sudan. 

Their conditions for the release of the goods are either a one-billion Sudanese pounds (373,6 mn USD) payment, or a formal agreement allowing the trade with South Sudan, which had been held back since the army’s arrival in Abyei last May.

One of the trains, which was carrying passengers, was released on Wednesday by the Young Elmirim. 

The leader of the military presence on the field told Radio Dabanga that the remaining train carries goods belonging to the high-ranking army officials, as well as to several traders from Khartoum. 

Each train consists of nineteen cars loaded with goods, among which sugar, floor, fuel and building materials.

Update (10/11 8:23 GMT+1): One of the militias belonging to the Young Elmirim group detaining the trains contacted Radio Dabanga on Wednesday evening

He said that several clashes had taken place with the government forces through the afternoon as a result of the government’s decision to withdraw the train towards the city of Al-Mudgled. 

He explained that his group destroyed two (2) land cruisers, killed three (3) and injured six (6) soldiers from the government forces, while the Young Elmirim lost three (3) men and had four (4) injured members. 

He furthermore claimed that his group still retains full control of the train, and that the government soldiers fled after the clash.

One woman carrying her four-month-old baby was killed accidentally during the confrontations. The infant survived.

