UXO kills herder in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

A young shepherd was killed, along with 17 of his sheep, in the area of Mashrou Abu Zeid, eastern Jebel Marra, in an explosion today. “Early this (Wednesday) afternoon, we suddenly heard an explosion,” a listener told Radio Dabanga from Mashrou Abu Zeid. “When we arrived at the place, we found Mahjoub Suleiman Saleh (15) ripped to pieces, as well as 17 of his sheep.” The source said that “an unexploded bomb, dropped by an Antonov of Sudanese Air Force yesterday, must have detonated”. He referred to the bombardments carried out above the area of El Aradeib El Ashara, east of the village of Funga. “At about 5 pm on Tuesday, an Antonov began bombing the area. Seven bombs were dropped, killing seven donkeys, five cows, and three camels, besides causing a number of fires.” Years of conflict have left Darfur littered with potentially deadly explosives and munitions (UXO). Radio Dabanga appeals to listeners throughout Darfur (and elsewhere in our reception area) not to touch any ‘unexploded’ grenades or other ammunition found in the field. Mark its position clearly to alert others, and report it immediately to a camp elder, Unamid and/or the local police. File photo by Jan Joseph Stok Related: Gold seekers killed in explosion in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra (20 November 2014)  Boys lose hands, legs as UXO detonates in North Darfur (15 June 2014) Maimed North Darfur boys need medical aid after explosion (13 June 2014) Two children killed, three maimed by ammunition in South Darfur (13 May 2014) Grenade kills two in Darfur’s Jebel Marra (1 May 2014) Two more maimed by UXO in North Darfur (21 April 2014) One of three Darfur child bomb victims dies, two cling to life (20 April 2014) Three Darfur children maimed after playing with bomb (16 April 2014)

A young shepherd was killed, along with 17 of his sheep, in the area of Mashrou Abu Zeid in North Darfur's Tawila locality in an explosion today.

“Early this (Wednesday) afternoon, we suddenly heard an explosion,” a listener told Radio Dabanga from Mashrou Abu Zeid. “When we arrived at the place, we found Mahjoub Suleiman Saleh (15) ripped to pieces, as well as 17 of his sheep.”

The source said that “an unexploded bomb, dropped by an Antonov of Sudanese Air Force yesterday, must have detonated”.

He referred to the bombardments carried out above the area of El Aradeib El Ashara, east of the village of Funga. “At about 5 pm on Tuesday, an Antonov began bombing the area. Seven bombs were dropped, killing seven donkeys, five cows, and three camels, besides causing a number of fires.”

Years of conflict have left Darfur littered with potentially deadly explosives and munitions (UXO). Radio Dabanga appeals to listeners throughout Darfur (and elsewhere in our reception area) not to touch any ‘unexploded’ grenades or other ammunition found in the field. Mark its position clearly to alert others, and report it immediately to a camp elder, Unamid and/or the local police.

File photo by Jan Joseph Stok


Gold seekers killed in explosion in Darfur's East Jebel Marra (20 November 2014) 

Boys lose hands, legs as UXO detonates in North Darfur (15 June 2014)

Maimed North Darfur boys need medical aid after explosion (13 June 2014)

Two children killed, three maimed by ammunition in South Darfur (13 May 2014)

Grenade kills two in Darfur’s Jebel Marra (1 May 2014)

Two more maimed by UXO in North Darfur (21 April 2014)

One of three Darfur child bomb victims dies, two cling to life (20 April 2014)

Three Darfur children maimed after playing with bomb (16 April 2014)


