♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦ Children die in Khartoum, Kassala rains and floods

August 5 – 2018 KASSALA / KHARTOUM At least two people, a boy and a girl, died and others sustained injuries in Kassala due to torrential rains on Thursday evening. A large number of houses collapsed. Residents of Kassala town told Radio Dabanga that the heavy rains that lasted for more than four hours caused great damage. The most affected districts are West Kassala and El Khatmiya, where two children were reported to have drowned.

In Khartoum nine people have died in the Sudanese capital since the start of the rainy season in mid-June. Among them are three girls who died when their school in Omdurman collapsed on Wednesday. The Teachers Committee in Khartoum demands the resignation of the state education minister for the incident.

Radio Dabanga reported last week that two people were killed and that houses and school buildings were destroyed in Red Sea state, Kabkabiya, Northern State and Kassala.

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♦  Sudan press curbs: Newspaper censored, journalist arrested

August 3 – 2018 EL GEZIRA / KASSALA / KHARTOUM A Sudanese newspaper’s distribution has been purposely delayed by the security service for six days in a row because of its critical content. It is the third time El Jareeda suffers from press curbs by the Sudanese security service in two weeks time.

Starting August 1, the security apparatus blocked El Jareeda newspaper from reaching the distribution outlets in Khartoum and the states for one week. On July 22 and 23, El Jareeda also suffered from delays as the security service held onto the confiscated copies until 8am.

Last week, a journalist in El Gezira was arrested in his house on charges by eastern Sudan’s Kassala state authorities, for criticising the state government on social media. Mohamed Osman Babikir was not allowed to get dressed or take his phone with him, according to his family. The next day he was transferred to a prison in Kassala. A number of eastern Sudanese journalists have announced their “full solidarity” with Babikir.

More news from Radio Dabanga:

Foreign Ministry: Flights for Sudanese stuck in Libya

August 7 – 2018 TRIPOLI The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will arrange flights for Sudanese people who want to return from Libya to Sudan, starting as of today. The decision was made a…

Refugees in Chad arrested for criticising voluntary return

August 7 – 2018 ABECHE Four Sudanese refugees were arrested in a refugee camp in eastern Chad one week ago for criticising plans for the voluntary return of the refugees to Darfur…

Egypt, Sudan to create joint Media Code of Honour

August 7 – 2018 CAIRO / KHARTOUM The Egyptian ambassador to Khartoum, Osama Shaltout, announced the creation of a Media Code of Honour between Sudan and Egypt…

Sudan airlines raise domestic ticket prices; hyperinflation expected

August 6 – 2018 KHARTOUM Airline companies in Sudan have announced an increase in domestic flight prices by more than 20 per cent by August 6. Economists fear hyperinflation…

Hundreds of students expelled from South Darfur school

August 5 – 2018 GIREIDA More than 600 students have been expelled from secondary schools in Gireida in South Darfur because their parents have not paid the tuition…

Sudan, FAO agree to combat illegal fishing

August 5 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Sudanese Ministry of Animal Resources signed a Memo of Understanding with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to fight illegal fishing on…

West Darfur forces seize illegal arms, unlicensed vehicles

August 3 – 2018 EL GENEINA The renewed disarmament campaign in West Darfur has led to the seizure of large quantities of weapons, ammunition and military equipment…

Sudan military intelligence force storms South Kordofan court

August 2 – 2018 ABU JUBEIHA The judge of the Abu Jubeiha Court in Sudan’s South Kordofan has closed the court for a week and suspended its hearings in protest…

Chronic, essential medicines unaffordable for many Sudanese

August 2 – 2018 SUDAN Residents of several Sudanese states have complained about the lack and high prices of lifesaving medicines to tread chronic conditions such as blood…

Sudan MP: El Gedaref farmers short 80,000 barrels of diesel – agriculture threatened’

August 2 – 2018 EL GEDAREF MPs and farmers have estimated the deficit in diesel for agriculture in Sudan’s El Gedaref state at more than 80,000 barrels, equivalent to more…

Russian troops ‘training CAR rebels and Sudanese soldiers’

August 1 – 2018 UM DAFUG A force of about 500 Russian soldiers that has been stationed near Um Dafug on the border between South Darfur in Sudan and the Central African…


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