♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦ Sudan releases two journalists, El Midan reporter's detention continues

February 27 – 2018 KHARTOUM Two detained journalists were released by the Sudanese security apparatus on Monday while journalist Kamal Karrar remains in detention. He has been detained for covering protests in Khartoum since January 16.

Newspaper reporters Ahmed Jadein (El Jareeda) and El Haji Abdelrahman El Moz (Akhbar El Yowm) were released from political detention. The Sudanese Journalists’ Network (SJN) published a statement yesterday to demand the release of Karrar, a correspondent of El Midan newspaper. The network stated that Karrar has been held without charge “other than carrying out his duties in covering the recent popular protests in the country”. El Midan is owned by the Sudanese Communist Party.

The three journalists were not among the political detainees whom the Sudanese security service (NISS) released on February 18. That day, President Omar Al Bashir granted amnesty to more than 80 people who were detained during the tide of protest against new austerity measures and the skyrocketing prices of basic consumer goods.

Yet dozens of prominent activists remain in detention in Sudan, the international watchdog Human Rights Watch reported last week. “Sudan’s tactic of silencing dissent through mass arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and other rights violations needs to stop,” said Jehanne Henry, senior Africa researcher at HRW.

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More 'watery diarrhoea' in Central Darfur: 16 deaths this month

February 27 – 2018 NIERTETI Isolation centres treating people against ‘acute watery diarrhoea’, suspected to be cholera, east of Nierteti in Central Darfur received eleven new cases on Monday. The area witnessed at least 16 deaths in February so far, according to Radio Dabanga reports. A rising number of people have been infected with the disease in the villages of Kuweila, Mara and Korifal since. In the second week of this month, two people died from acute watery diarrhoea in Nierteti Hospital – the symptoms are similar to those of cholera, sources reported.

During this week the first cases appeared in the villages of Kodi and Mara, east of Nierteti town, and spread to other villages, including Kuweila. Video scenes from Kuweila showed the make-shift isolation ward where patients are being treated. Last week, an isolation centre was opened at Korifal, a village north of Mara.

Last week the chairwoman of the health committee in the Parliament, Imtithal El Rayah, announced the death of eight people and the infection 140 others, and that the areas of infection in the state are concentrated in Mara, Kuweila, Nierteti and Gladwa. Sources speaking to Radio Dabanga said that at least 200 people have been infected and reported that sixteen people died from the disease in the eastern part of the locality this month.

More news from Radio Dabanga:

African intelligence agencies plan to curb illegal immigration

February 27 – 2018 KHARTOUM African intelligence agencies have announced a cooperation plan with the African Union (AU) and the United Nations to curb illegal immigration. The CISSA plans to dismantle human trafficking networks which are known to smuggle…

Sudanese opposition critise re-appointment of NISS director

February 27 – 2018 KHARTOUM Members of the Sudanese opposition have criticised the decision by President Omar Al Bashir to re-appoint a former director of the Sudanese intelligence service, claiming the move does not change anything to an old structure…

Psychiatric, cancer medicine availability drops 80% in Sudan

February 25 – 2018 KHARTOUM The shortage of medicines has been hampering treatment in Sudan for more than a month. The availability of psychiatric and neurological treatment medicines has dropped by 80 per cent. Dr Nasri Morgos, Head of the Private Pharmacies…

People injured in militia attack on West Kordofan market

February 25 – 2018 KEILIK A number of people were injured in a raid by members of the Central Reserve Police, popularly known as Abu Tira, on the market of Keilik in West Kordofan on Thursday.Speaking to Radio Dabanga, one of the victims reported that the attack was…

'9,000 displaced' by deadly clashes between SPLM-N factions in Blue Nile

February 23 – 2018 WADAKA Dozens of people were killed and wounded in bloody battles between the two factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), respectively led by Abdelaziz Adam El Hilu and Malik Agar in Sudan’s Blue Nile state this week…

Sudan, South Sudan near bottom of 2017 Corruption Perceptions Index

February 23 – 2018 BERLIN In this year’s Corruption Perceptions Index released yesterday by Transparency International, New Zealand and Denmark rank highest with scores of 89 and 88 respectively. Sudan scored 16, up from 14 the previous year, but is still rated 175th out of…

46+ dead in cattle raids across Sudan-South Sudan border

February 22 – 2018 EL DIBAB LOCALITY More than 46 people including women from the Misseriya and Dinka tribes have been killed and 10,850 head of cattle, sheep, and goats have been stolen in three separate clashes between the Misseriya and armed groups from South…

UN-AU Special Representative in Darfur: ‘First phase of Unamid reconfiguration complete’

February 22 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Joint Special Representative for the UN-AU Mission in Darfur (Unamid), Jeremiah Mamabolo, has highlighted the positive role of the media in Darfur, and commended the Sudanese government’s weapons collection programme…

Youth tortured to death, another ‘critical’ following arrest in West Kordofan

February 22 – 2018 HIJEIRAT One youth is dead and another reportedly in critical condition in El Fula hospital after being tortured by security agents and militiamen in West Kordofan on Tuesday. The father of Ajak Hamdi told Radio Dabanga that his son was arrested…



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