Sudan uprising: ‘Revolution expands in Kordofan’

The revolutionary movement and sit-ins have continued in Kordofan states for the fourth week in support of the sit-in in front of the military command in Khartoum.

A convoy arrives from Darfur to swell the sit-in in Khartoum

The revolutionary movement and sit-ins have continued in Kordofan states for the fourth week in support of the sit-in in front of the military command in Khartoum.

A leader of the Sudanese Professionals Association in El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan, told Radio Dabanga that the people have expanded the revolutionary movement in the city, after the press conference of the Transitional Military Council earlier this week.

He said that the sit-in in front of the 5th Infantry Division in El Obeid witnessed an increase of the crowds marching from the various districts.

He pointed to a political symposium held by the forces of Freedom and Change at the sit-in on Friday in order to provide orientation to the city's residents on the constitutional declaration announced by the Freedom and Change Forces on Thursday.

El Nahud

The sit-in in front of the locality headquarters of El Nahud in West Kordofan in solidarity with the sit-in of the military command in Khartoum has continued.

Ayman El Jeili told Radio Dabanga from El Nahud that the sit-in is continuing in front of the locality councils and that orientations of political symposiums and meetings in the sit-in and in different districts of the town.

He pointed out that the demands focus on one demand: hand over of power to a civilian government.


The revolutionary movement has continued in Delling in South Kordofan in support of the sit-in the military command in Khartoum.

Leaders of the Delling forces of Freedom and Change told Radio Dabanga said that they are intensifying their work and to continuing coordination with the committees in Kadugli, capital of South Kordofan, to unite the movement at the state level.

El Gezira Aba

Yesterday, a large group from El Gezira Aba in White Nile state marched from Omdurman to the General Command in Khartoum in support of the revolution.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that a convoy of vehicles arrived in Wad Nubawi in Omdurman on Friday. After performing Friday prayers at the mosque of Wad Nubawi together with Imam El Sadig El Mahdi (also chairman of the National Umma Party), they marched to the sit-in in Khartoum.

