Sudan’s Al Bashir faces growing dissent within ruling NCP
Following almost three weeks of mass protests in Sudan and calls for President Omar Al Bashir to step down, in addition to the opposition, dissent is growing within Al Bashir’s own ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Following almost three weeks of mass protests in Sudan and calls for President Omar Al Bashir to step down, in addition to the opposition, dissent is growing within Al Bashir’s own ruling National Congress Party (NCP).
Prominent NCP leader, El Shafee Ahmed, has added his voice in calling for Al Bashir to step down immediately, temporarily hand over his duties to the First Vice-President, dissolve the government, and run the country through the Ministries until a road map has been developed that will lead to a transitional period.
Road map
In a voice recording, Ahmed suggested that the development of the road map be entrusted to a group of jurists, university professors and researchers, and to be approved by a joint body composed of grass roots leaders, opposition leaders, armed and political, and parties involved in the government.
Transitional government
He called for the formulation of the road map and its approval within two weeks, under regional and international supervision, that will lead to a transitional government for a period between three to five years, to be followed by general elections.
The government leader called on other leaders of the NCP and the Islamic Movement to consult with Al Bashir to persuade him to make the necessary arrangements for the abandonment of power, adding that the people revolted because of the inability of the government to provide basic rights after 30 years of government.
Transfer of power
He explained that the departure of the regime has become a popular desire, calling on Al Bashir to make the necessary arrangements for the transfer of power in a peaceful manner and to put steps to bring the country to safety.
Ahmed called on the opposition to meet any serious call by the government aimed at making arrangements for the transitional period and moving away from the mentality of revenge, pointing to the fragility of the internal situation in Sudan. He also called on the leaders of demonstrations in the street to agree to change the regime in a calm, responsible, and civilized manner.
Declaration of Freedom and Change
In support of the Sudanese revolt against the ruling party that entered its third week, the Sudanese opposition forces, represented by the Sudan Call, the National Consensus Forces (NCF), the Unionist Association signed a Declaration of Freedom and Change in Khartoum on Tuesday evening. The declaration was an initiative of the Sudanese Professionals Association.
The opposition forces called for more protests on Friday and Sunday. On Wednesday, a mass march is planned to present a memorandum calling for regime change to the National Assembly in Omdurman.