SPLM-North will not give up military power to Khartoum

Deputy governor of Blue Nile, Brigadier Ali Bender of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North (SPLM-North) refuses to hand over military units and equipment to the government. Yesterday, after a military parade, displaying military strength, Bender asserted that what was on show, was only a small part of Blue Nile’s extensive military power. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, Bender warned the government against taking any steps, similar to what they did in South Kordafan. He stated that, whereas, Blue Nile is committed to peace, if provoked, would be ready to take up arms against the government. He advised the government to recognize the Addis Ababa agreement, as it would be the only way to salvage the situation. Bender underlined, that the outcome of popular consultation made it clear, that the people of Blue Nile are ready to claim their right of self-determination.

Deputy governor of Blue Nile, Brigadier Ali Bender of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North (SPLM-North) refuses to hand over military units and equipment to the government. Yesterday, after a military parade, displaying military strength, Bender asserted that what was on show, was only a small part of Blue Nile’s extensive military power.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, Bender warned the government against taking any steps, similar to what they did in South Kordafan. He stated that, whereas, Blue Nile is committed to peace, if provoked, would be ready to take up arms against the government. He advised the government to recognize the Addis Ababa agreement, as it would be the only way to salvage the situation. Bender underlined, that the outcome of popular consultation made it clear, that the people of Blue Nile are ready to claim their right of self-determination.He stressed the importance of power sharing, moving away from a centralist government. Bender emphasized, that the existing machinery of the monopoly of power should be dismantled, and distributed equally. Bender also told Radio Dabanga, that the SPLA-North demands the position of the Minister of Defense.

