Security Darfur arrests 12 staff workers Médecins du Monde, international staff in hiding

At least twelve staff workers of Médecins du Monde working in central Darfur, have been arrested today in Nyala. Two international staff members fled the scene and are in hiding at the compound of the UN OCHA. According to a police source, the staff workers are accused for collaborating with the rebel leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), Abdel Wahid al Nur. The French based NGO was almost the last NGO present, providing services for the mountainous area of Jebel Marra.

At least twelve staff workers of Médecins du Monde working in central Darfur, have been arrested today in Nyala. Two international staff members fled the scene and are in hiding at the compound of the UN OCHA. According to a police source, the staff workers are accused for collaborating with the rebel leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), Abdel Wahid al Nur. The French based NGO was almost the last NGO present, providing services for the mountainous area of Jebel Marra.

Médecins du Monde has been supporting five health centers providing primary healthcare and offering  curative consultations, pre- and post-natal care, assisted deliveries, nutritional monitoring, vaccination and health education. In 2010 it prepared to expand its programme after the work in and around Deribat became almost impossible, due to attacks of the government. The organization started to develop an additional programme around Feina and Golumbai with an estimated population of 160,000 people. The arrest comes shortly after the organisation started to develop a programme for providing institutional support to the South Darfur health authorities in the government controlled areas. 

