New arrivals at Tawila camps in Darfur without assistance

Hundreds of people who fled fresh fighting around Tukumarre and Tabit are living in the open in North Darfur camps. Sixty-six (66) families are living in Argo and Dali camps in Tawila in North Darfur without shelter, food or clothing since their arrival to Tawila on 20 January.

Hundreds of people who fled fresh fighting around Tukumarre and Tabit are living in the open in North Darfur camps. Sixty-six (66) families are living in Argo and Dali camps in Tawila in North Darfur without shelter, food or clothing since their arrival to Tawila on 20 January. A leader in Tawila, speaking over Radio Dabanga, appealed to humanitarian organizations to provide food and shelter for them.

