SAF defeated by SPLM in Nuba mountains; US worry about humanitarian situation

 SPLM defeats SAF in the Nuba MountainsThe Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in South Kordofan said that its army repelled an attack from battalions of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on Monday. The SAF were apparently coming from Elkharasana with armors, militias and heavy weaponry, and were advancing in the direction of Karango when the SPLM defeated it, forcing it to flee in the direction of Elkilk and Elkharasana (South Kordofan).Gamar Delam, media counselor to SPLM local chairman Abdul Aziz Elhilu, told radio Dabanga they caused fatal losses to the SAF and took over the main regions in the Nuba Mountains. Delam also revealed that two SAF battalions refused to join the battles, progressing from Kadugli towards  Elhamra instead. He furthermore asserted that the SPLA will not negotiate should the Nuba Mountains’ right to self-determination not be recognized or secularism not be granted to the nation of North Sudan. Radio Dabanga was not able to contact the army for comments.US worries as reports of crimes against humanity arise from the regionFrom her side, the US ambassador to the Security Council Suzan Rice called on to the Sudanese government to agree to the deployment of international UN forces in South Kordofan and Blue Nile to assist the two sides politically and security-wise.In a statement released yesterday, Ms. Rice expressed the worries of the United States as several reports from credible sources reveal crimes committed by the SAF, militias and groups affiliated to it in the region. These abuses apparently include crimes against humanity, illegal assassinations as well as abductions, arrests, and race- or religion-based violence. The ambassador also stated that the US strongly calls for an investigation by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) on the claims, and invites all sides to cooperate with any coming examinations.Critical situation in the Nuba MountainsCivilians from the Nuba Mountains already pointed out the critical conditions under which they are currently living, including recurring bombing raids and famine. The frequent altercations between the government and rebel forces prevent humanitarian organisations from providing relief to the concerned areas.


SPLM defeats SAF in the Nuba Mountains

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in South Kordofan said that its army repelled an attack from battalions of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on Monday. The SAF were apparently coming from Elkharasana with armors, militias and heavy weaponry, and were advancing in the direction of Karango when the SPLM defeated it, forcing it to flee in the direction of Elkilk and Elkharasana (South Kordofan).

Gamar Delam, media counselor to SPLM local chairman Abdul Aziz Elhilu, told radio Dabanga they caused fatal losses to the SAF and took over the main regions in the Nuba Mountains. Delam also revealed that two SAF battalions refused to join the battles, progressing from Kadugli towards  Elhamra instead. He furthermore asserted that the SPLA will not negotiate should the Nuba Mountains’ right to self-determination not be recognized or secularism not be granted to the nation of North Sudan. Radio Dabanga was not able to contact the army for comments.

US worries as reports of crimes against humanity arise from the region

From her side, the US ambassador to the Security Council Suzan Rice called on to the Sudanese government to agree to the deployment of international UN forces in South Kordofan and Blue Nile to assist the two sides politically and security-wise.

In a statement released yesterday, Ms. Rice expressed the worries of the United States as several reports from credible sources reveal crimes committed by the SAF, militias and groups affiliated to it in the region. These abuses apparently include crimes against humanity, illegal assassinations as well as abductions, arrests, and race- or religion-based violence. The ambassador also stated that the US strongly calls for an investigation by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) on the claims, and invites all sides to cooperate with any coming examinations.

Critical situation in the Nuba Mountains

Civilians from the Nuba Mountains already pointed out the critical conditions under which they are currently living, including recurring bombing raids and famine. The frequent altercations between the government and rebel forces prevent humanitarian organisations from providing relief to the concerned areas.

