Refugees from N. Darfur massacre say Bashir aide ‘can’t stop genocide’

Residents of Tabara, who fled their village after a massacre on 2 September, accused the government of being behind the events in the region. The displaced people from Tabara were not appreciative of the visit of Presidential Advisor Ghazi Salah Al Din Atabani, who had traveled to Tawila on Friday. Ghazi is the federal official in charge of the Darfur file.

Residents of Tabara, who fled their village after a massacre on 2 September, accused the government of being behind the events in the region. The displaced people from Tabara were not appreciative of the visit of Presidential Advisor Ghazi Salah Al Din Atabani, who had traveled to Tawila on Friday. Ghazi is the federal official in charge of the Darfur file.The refugees from Tabara said that Ghazi Salah Al Din will not be able to stop the genocide because it is a policy executed by the government. They further claimed that Ghazi visited Tawila only to find a foothold for the army in the region. They stated that the assailants are still present in their village since the attack.

Ghazi had met with some of the displaced, offered his condolences and pledged to bring to justice the perpetrators. He also blamed a “gang of criminals” for the massacre.”

At least 49 people were killed in the Tabara massacre, which occurred during afternoon shopping at the market. Witnesses said that gunmen rounded up men and at least one woman, forced them to lie down, and shot them in the head at short range. Dozens of widows and children fled the village for Tawila. Some of them arrived without clothes or shoes.

Responding to Ghazi’s visit, the Justice and Equality Movement said that it was a provocation and a violation of the feelings of victims of the massacre. JEM said that the massacre was carried out in the village by militias of the National Congress.

The Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Abdel Wahid Al Nur likened Ghazi’s visit to a killer walking at the funeral of his victim. The movement said that the purpose of his visit was to complete the implementation of the planned genocide.

