Mediation prepare to resume Darfur peace talks

The mediation announced in a statement that the peace negotiations on Darfur will resume in Doha on the 29th of this month.

The mediation announced in a statement that the peace negotiations on Darfur will resume in Doha on the 29th of this month. The mediation revealed in its statement that both the chief mediator Djibril Bassole, and Qatari minister of state for foreign affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud yesterday in Doha received a draft Darfur peace agreement, presented by the drafting committee. The mediation explained that the document received will be the basis upon which talks will be conducted for a comprehensive and final solution. The mediation said it will organize a final round of negotiations with the government and the movements and civil society representatives on the basis of this document.

The statement said that both the government and the Liberation and Justice Movement agreed on the new date.A source had earlier disclosed that the talks would start at the beginning of this week. It is not clear whether there was a delay or if that report was incorrect.



