Refugees at east Chad camp says difficult to get ration cards

Hundreds of families in Abu Nabag Camp for Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad have lived for years without ration cards or health care, sources complained. They said that they face poor health with the onset of rains. About 300 people living in the camp premises are cut off from the international aid system because they’ve been denied cards.

Hundreds of families in Abu Nabag Camp for Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad have lived for years without ration cards or health care, sources complained. They said that they face poor health with the onset of rains. About 300 people living in the camp premises are cut off from the international aid system because they’ve been denied cards.A group of women who spoke Radio Dabanga from camp described their situation as intolerable. They said their problems are not limited to the card, but also include collapse of roofs due to rains, deterioration of the health situation, and proliferation of mosquitoes and disease. They appealed to international organizations including the United Nations and the World Health Organization to act immediately to rescue them from death.

Besides this, hundreds of women with children live in the semi-open inside the camp, amid “appalling conditions.” With the onset of winter and the intensification of the cold, they have no blankets or tarpaulins. Refugees described to Radio Dabanga how they suffer from lack of food and firewood. They said refugee women risk rape when they leave the camp to collect firewood. They said they also suffer from the effects of hard work and anemia. They appealed through Radio Dabanga for humanitarian organizations to provide blankets for them in the winter and find them heaters.

