Rebel JEM criticizes Arab League position on Darfur

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) condemned the Arab League’s position in favor of the new government strategy for Darfur. The rebel movement was responding to comments made by Ambassador Salah Halima, the Arab League envoy to Sudan, who voiced support for the new development-focused strategy.

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) condemned the Arab League’s position in favor of the new government strategy for Darfur. The rebel movement was responding to comments made by Ambassador Salah Halima, the Arab League envoy to Sudan, who voiced support for the new development-focused strategy. Ambassador Salah also praised Khartoum’s efforts to encourage displaced to return from camps to their villages. The Arab League has played a role in that effort by funding the construction of several ‘model villages.’

The spokesman of JEM, Ahmed Hussein Adam, noted in an interview with Radio Dabanga that the Arab League rejects the arrest warrant issued against President Omar Al Bashir. He said that their position is like standing with the hangman at the expense of the victims. He said this is a racist position taken for the benefit of Al Bashir, and he suggested that the Arab League has disregarded its international obligations and therefore should be disqualified from having any role in resolving the Darfur problem.


