Rain storms hit refugee camps in eastern Chad

Yesterday, some 100 shelters of Sudanese refugees were demolished during a fierce rainstorm, that hit Bregin and Vershenna Camps, in eastern Chad. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga, that the rains, combined with strong gusts of wind, had demolished walls, and had uprooted trees.

Yesterday, some 100 shelters of Sudanese refugees were demolished during a fierce rainstorm, that hit Bregin and Vershenna Camps, in eastern Chad. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga, that the rains, combined with strong gusts of wind, had demolished walls, and had uprooted trees.

Abu Bakar Isaac, a refugee of Vershenna Camp, described to Radio Dabanga their serious situation, also mentioning, that prices keep on rising, which is particularly stressful during Ramadan.

