Prosecutors beaten by troops in East Darfur market

The Chief Public Prosecutor of East Darfur, Chancellor Abdel Nasser Abdel Gader Bhai, announced the closure of state prosecution offices for an indefinite period yesterday, in protest against prosecutors beaten and detained by Sudanese army troops in Ed Daein market.

The Chief Public Prosecutor of East Darfur, Chancellor Abdel Nasser Abdel Gader Bhai, announced the closure of state prosecution offices for an indefinite period yesterday, in protest against prosecutors beaten and detained by Sudanese army troops in Ed Daein market.

A statement issued by the prosecutors says that on Tuesday some members of the army led by assaulted and beat Montaser El Tijani Abazein, Mohamed Ibrahim Ali Hassan and Walid Ahmed Mahmoud. The troops were under the leadership of Lieutenant Fadlulseed who belongs to the buffer forces that have been deployed between the Rizeigat and Ma’aliya tribes in East Darfur.

 The statement said the assault took place in Ed Daein market in public view. “The lieutenant instructed his soldiers to beat the three prosecutors and put them in the army vehicles.”

The attack was reportedly prompted after the prosecutors’ police driver found the way to the market blocked by army vehicles. The driver hooted to alert them but they beat the driver, smashed the vehicle, and held him in a special area for the army within the market.

The driver contacted the prosecutors who went to release him and retrieve the vehicle, but the officer refused and ordered the members of his force to put the prosecutors  into their vehicles.

When the prosecutors refused, they were beaten with sticks, and forced into the vehicles, the statement concludes.

