Police foil South Darfur jailbreak

On Sunday, militiamen attacked the police station of Katila, South Darfur, in a failed attempt to spring comrades being held there. The deputy commissioner of Katila locality, Adam Osman, informed Radio Dabanga that on Sunday evening, militiamen on four motorcycles tried to storm the police station in an attempt to free their comrades accused of cattle theft. “The police managed to withstand them, however, and after a brief firefight, the gunmen fled. There were no casualties.”File photo: Senior Darfur policemen inspect a detention centre. (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

On Sunday, militiamen attacked the police station of Katila, South Darfur, in a failed attempt to spring comrades being held there.

The deputy commissioner of Katila locality, Adam Osman, informed Radio Dabanga that on Sunday evening, militiamen on four motorcycles tried to storm the police station in an attempt to free their comrades accused of cattle theft. “The police managed to withstand them, however, and after a brief firefight, the gunmen fled. There were no casualties.”

File photo: Senior Darfur policemen inspect a detention centre. (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

