Paramilitaries kill driver in South Darfur

On Saturday, a group of paramilitaries shot dead a driver in Mershing locality in South Darfur.
The militiamen were on their way from Manawashi to East Jebel Marra, a resident of the town told Radio Dabanga.
“As they left Manawashi, they shot heavily in the air. A stray bullet fatally hit a driver named Ali Ahmed Karrar while he was sleeping next to his vehicle,” he said.

On Saturday, a group of paramilitaries shot dead a driver in Mershing locality in South Darfur.

The militiamen were on their way from Manawashi to East Jebel Marra, a resident of the town told Radio Dabanga.

“As they left Manawashi, they shot heavily in the air. A stray bullet fatally hit a driver named Ali Ahmed Karrar while he was sleeping next to his vehicle,” he said.

