North Darfur village threatened with fire

Villagers in Tawila locality, North Darfur received threats to burn their village over a dispute with camel herders on Sunday. The next morning a woman was reportedly beaten by the herders.

Villagers in Tawila locality, North Darfur received threats to burn their village over a dispute with camel herders on Sunday. The next morning a woman was reportedly beaten by the herders.

The camel herders threatened to burn Kadarik, about 5 km north Tabit, on the pretext of the loss of one of their dogs. “About fifteen camel herders came here claiming that their dog is missing and demanded from us to bring them the missing dog within 24 hours,” a villager told Radio Dabanga “Otherwise they will burn the village.”

On Monday morning, herders assaulted Kaltoum Haroun Saleh and severely beat her when she left the village to collect firewood, the villager said. Saleh has been transferred to a health centre in Tabit.

