North Darfur newly displaced attacked on way to Kabkabiya

On Monday, gunmen ambushed a group of fleeing villagers who were on their way to Kabkabiya.
Following militia attacks on Bardi village on Saturday, the villagers fled towards Kabkabiya, 45 kilometres west of the village. On Monday, 47 newly displaced families (about 860 people) arrived at El Salam camp for the displaced in the town.

On Monday, gunmen ambushed a group of fleeing villagers who were on their way to Kabkabiya.

Following militia attacks on Bardi village on Saturday, the villagers fled towards Kabkabiya, 45 kilometres west of the village. On Monday, 47 newly displaced families (about 860 people) arrived at El Salam camp for the displaced in the town.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the coordinator of the Kabkabiya camps said that seven gunmen riding camels attacked about 16 fleeing families in the area of Kamanga late on Monday evening.

“The people fled immediately. The attackers managed to seize Nora Ateem Haroun (42). They beat her with sticks, took her donkey that was loaded with her belongings, and left,” he said.

