Minister of Water to explain water crisis

Legislators urgently want to question the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity for the nationwide crisis in potable water supply.

Legislators urgently want to question the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity for the nationwide crisis in potable water supply. Besides the main suburbs of Khartoum and Omdurman, also the cities of El Fasher and Nyala face a water crisis during the Ramadan.

On the fifth day of Ramadan, the Member of Parliament, Hammad Ghareeb, announced that he and some other MP’s will summon the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Moataz Moussa, to explain the parliament how the crisis could have been prevented. They want a quick solution for the problems. El Fasher and Nyala, the largest cities in Darfur are witnessing water shortage and endemic interruption of electricity supply while the temperature was soaring.

Radio Dabanga reported that a jar of water went up to 2 SDG. People are complaining of lack of fuel to keep the pump stations running, while at the same time water stations are out of duty due to repairs.

The IDPs of Otash-camp in Nyala are complaining of an acute crisis of drinking water as a result of fuel shortages and disruption of pumps of a series of fuel and water stations.


In Khartoum, people complained about the water crisis in particular in El Kalakala El Wahda and Sangaat, Halfayat El Muluk, Umbadda Sabeel, El Arda, Fitehab, Abu Siid Murabaat, Khartoum Teleta, Rumalia, Hilla El Jadida, El Goz, El Sahafa West Square (block 31) and Al-Azhari. The price of a barrel of water by cart in El Kalakala and El Wahda went up to  75 SDG, and 60 SDG in Abu Siid Murabaat. 

