Man drowns in South Kordofan floods

Dozens of homes collapsed in Abu Jubaiha in South Kordofan this week under the pressure of heavy rains. A man drowned in one of the floods.

Dozens of homes collapsed in Abu Jubaiha in South Kordofan this week under the pressure of heavy rains. A man drowned in one of the floods.

Tuesday and Saturday saw heavy rains and flash floods, according to a resident of Abu Jubaiha. 19-year-old student Tahir Badawi drowned, while 65 houses in a number of districts were destroyed completely.

“The affected families are now living in the open, sleeping on the ground… They have not been provided with any help because of the rains and floods.”

The listener told Radio Dabanga that most of the town's districts and the central market are surrounded with water. There is poor drainage of the accumulated water, causing mosquitoes to breed near the ponds. “This is another environmental disaster.”

Local authorities have not taken any steps to open the sewage for drainage, the resident said. “I wonder where the huge sums of money collected for various purposes on name of beautifying the city, go to.”

Nile rises

The level of the Nile has continued to rise after the rains stopped in a number of Sudanese states.

The general directorate of the civil defence said in newspapers that the increase is expected to be ongoing. It called the residents living on the banks of the Nile to exercise caution.

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan reported that the areas of Sudan affected most by heavy rains and flash floods include parts of North, South and West Kordofan, Blue Nile, Kassala, Khartoum, North Darfur. Humanitarian partners plan to engage with the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission to facilitate the dispatch of 1,700 essential household item kits to Kadugli as part of the preparedness for the flood response in South and West Kordofan.

