Humanitarian and political situations cause tensions in Darfur’s camps

 Tensions after Doha SigningLeaders of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) said in a meeting with the UNAMID police chief that if UNAMID is to keep up with its mission to ensure the security of the Displaced, no groups advocating for the Doha agreement should be granted entry to the camps. One of the Sheikhs reminded UNAMID of the confrontations that took place between IDPs last year in the wake of the Second Doha Meeting, since which 6 leaders of Displaced People are living under the protection of the UNAMID headquarters. The Sheikh continued that UNAMID should not allow the same mistake to be repeated, and asked for caution in this matter, as a strong animosity against the Doha text remains in the camps.JEM against camp dismantlements The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rejected a new government policy aiming to dismantle the camps for Displaced People in order for them to return to their original territories. The government is setting this measure as a new priority after the signature of a peace agreement with the Liberation and Justice movement (LJM). The Deputy Secretary for Presidential Affairs Hassan Hamdeen, who is also a member of the delegation in charge of the negotiations with JEM, said in a press statement that the Movement refuses any directive changing the displaced people’s situation by force, stressing that the Government is seeking the power to dismantle the camps without consideration for their inhabitants’ situation.Worrying humanitarian situation in Tawila camps The Displaced People from the Tawila camps (West of El Fasher, North Dafur) pointed out their deteriorating living conditions, as no food rations have been delivered to them since April. These circumstances are especially worrying considering the upcoming arrival of Fall, as well as the rapidly climbing food prices. “They have reached an unprecedented height”, they told Radio Dabanga, “ the price of one kilo of meat has risen from 15 to 25 pounds, while the price of a pound of sugar climbed up to 2500 pounds. Globally, living costs have increased of 25%.” In Darfur, Autumn coincides with the humid season, with continuous heavy rainfalls affecting the region and its people. However, like several other camps, the ones in Tawila are not sufficiently equipped to provide shelter for the displaced people, bringing their living conditions to a critical level. The meteological conditions facilitate the spreading of diceases in the camps, and already caused the death of several displaced people this month.


Tensions after Doha Signing

Leaders of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) said in a meeting with the UNAMID police chief that if UNAMID is to keep up with its mission to ensure the security of the Displaced, no groups advocating for the Doha agreement should be granted entry to the camps. One of the Sheikhs reminded UNAMID of the confrontations that took place between IDPs last year in the wake of the Second Doha Meeting, since which 6 leaders of Displaced People are living under the protection of the UNAMID headquarters. The Sheikh continued that UNAMID should not allow the same mistake to be repeated, and asked for caution in this matter, as a strong animosity against the Doha text remains in the camps.

JEM against camp dismantlements

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rejected a new government policy aiming to dismantle the camps for Displaced People in order for them to return to their original territories. The government is setting this measure as a new priority after the signature of a peace agreement with the Liberation and Justice movement (LJM). The Deputy Secretary for Presidential Affairs Hassan Hamdeen, who is also a member of the delegation in charge of the negotiations with JEM, said in a press statement that the Movement refuses any directive changing the displaced people’s situation by force, stressing that the Government is seeking the power to dismantle the camps without consideration for their inhabitants’ situation.

Worrying humanitarian situation in Tawila camps

North Darfur, Tawila camps map

The Displaced People from the Tawila camps (West of El Fasher, North Dafur) pointed out their deteriorating living conditions, as no food rations have been delivered to them since April. These circumstances are especially worrying considering the upcoming arrival of Fall, as well as the rapidly climbing food prices. “They have reached an unprecedented height”, they told Radio Dabanga, “ the price of one kilo of meat has risen from 15 to 25 pounds, while the price of a pound of sugar climbed up to 2500 pounds. Globally, living costs have increased of 25%.” In Darfur, Autumn coincides with the humid season, with continuous heavy rainfalls affecting the region and its people. However, like several other camps, the ones in Tawila are not sufficiently equipped to provide shelter for the displaced people, bringing their living conditions to a critical level. The meteological conditions facilitate the spreading of diceases in the camps, and already caused the death of several displaced people this month.

