Detained journalist rushed to North Darfur hospital

The health condition of the detained journalist Ibrahim Bagal Siraj has deteriorated following his transfer to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur.

The health condition of the detained journalist Ibrahim Bagal Siraj has deteriorated following his transfer to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur.

Darfur Journalists Association (DJA) said Siraj was detained in Khartoum and transferred to El Fasher facing charges from at the prosecution office for information crimes.

The DJA called upon the authorities to either release Siraj or bring him to a fair trial that gives him the right to defend himself, in its statement extended to Sudan Tribune. The journalist has been in detention since 9 February.

According to Siraj's family, his health situation is in danger. Siraj is diabetic, and after suffering from severe blood sugar imbalance, he was taken to the hospital on Thursday night under heavy guard.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune, the family said it holds the state government responsible for any harm that could be inflicted upon their son during the “arbitrary detention”.

It is still unknown why the authorities detained Siraj.

Ranked 174th out of 180 countries in the 2015 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index, Sudan is notorious for hounding its journalist and news media, Reporters said. Arbitrary arrests, seizures of newspaper issues and forced closures are all often used to control news and information.

More detentions of Sudanese journalists:

Two Sudanese newspaper editors face death penalty (22 December 2015)

Sudanese journalist interrogated again (13 October 2015)

Sudanese security persecutes two journalists (15 September 2015)

Sudanese journalists detained at Khartoum airport (26 July 2015)

