Darfuri civil society activist arrested in Cairo

On Sunday Egyptian authorities arrested the head of the Modern Sudan Centre, Abdel Moneim Suleiman Atron in Cairo. The center’s secretary of social affairs Abdallah Adam Suleiman Bahr told Radio Dabanga that Abdel Moneim was taken to Al Tahrir, then handcuffed and taken in a blacked out car, followed by several other cars to a unknown destination. The secretary appealed to the UN refugee agency in Egypt and international humanitarian organisations to quickly intervene and save Abdel Moneim’s life before he is deported to Sudan.

On Sunday Egyptian authorities arrested the head of the Modern Sudan Centre, Abdel Moneim Suleiman Atron in Cairo.

The center’s secretary of social affairs Abdallah Adam Suleiman Bahr told Radio Dabanga that Abdel Moneim was taken to Al Tahrir, then handcuffed and taken in a blacked out car, followed by several other cars to a unknown destination.

The secretary appealed to the UN refugee agency in Egypt and international humanitarian organisations to quickly intervene and save Abdel Moneim’s life before he is deported to Sudan.

