Central Darfur security raids Tearfund’s office in Nierteti

UPDATE 18:35 Security agents closed the office of the UK-based Tearfund organisation in Nierteti, Central Darfur, on Monday.

Security agents closed the office of the UK-based Tearfund organisation in Nierteti, Central Darfur, on Monday.

A source reported to Radio Dabanga from Nierteti that a force of security agents, led by a colonel, stormed the organisation's office at 1 pm.

“They seized all the materials, equipment, and devices, including the cash in the treasurer’s safe, amounting to more than SDG250,000 ($39,220), and personal belongings of the staff members,” he said. “They then took the foreign and Sudanese staff to the office of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in Nierteti.”

A Sudanese staff member of Tearfund in Central Darfur told Radio Dabanga that the organisation in the state is providing aid to people in Tour, Guldo, Golo, Gurnei, and Ardeba, as well as in the camps for the displaced in Nierteti, Um Dukhun, Garsila, and the capital Zalingei. 

Offices closed

“We can confirm that our offices in Sudan are currently closed,” Jude Mackenzie, Tearfund interim Head of Media informed Radio Dabanga today.

“We will continue to operate closely with the Sudanese government about our work in the country. We are unable to answer any further questions at this time.”

Health, nutrition

Tearfund provides health and nutrition services in Central Darfur's Um Dukhum and Nierteti, in Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, and in Kass in South Darfur. It has support bases in Nyala (South Darfur), Zalingei (Central Darfur), and Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. 

Tearfund's work in Darfur is funded by donors including the governments of UK (DFID), Canada (CIDA-HAPS through partner World Relief Canada), Australia (AusAid through Partner TEAR Australia), the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and the Development and Cooperation-Europe Aid Office, United States (OFDA), the United Nations, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, and Tearfund supporters.


