Another teenager killed by Sudan security forces in Marches of the Millions to ‘restore teachers’ dignity’
The joint security forces killed Babiker El Rasheed (17) by shooting him in the chest during yesterday’s Marches of the Millions in Omdurman. The Marches were called to protest the military coup regime and to ‘restore teachers’ dignity’ after weeks of strikes.

The joint security forces killed Babiker El Rasheed (17) by shooting him in the chest during yesterday's Marches of the Millions in Omdurman. The Marches were called to protest the military coup regime and to 'restore teachers' dignity' after weeks of teacher and student strikes.
The Coordination of the Omdurman Resistance Committees mourned the martyr Babiker El Rasheed, cousin of the martyr Badawi and a member of the Resistance Committees, as he was killed by security forces with a live bullet to the chest during yesterday's protests.
The joint forces also heavily used tear gas, stun grenades, and rubber bullets to repress the peaceful demonstrations, which resulted in injuries among the protesters.
Last week, another teenager of 13 years old was murdered by security forces as they shot him in the head with live ammunition.
Marches of the Millions to 'restore the dignity of teachers' were also held in other state capitals, including in Port Sudan, El Gedaref, Wad Madani, and Singa.
The demonstrators in El Gedaref also protested to denounce the high cost of living and the deterioration of the living situation in Sudan. They further demanded the release of detainees, compensation and justice for the martyrs, the achievement of transitional justice, and civilian democratic rule.
The participants stressed the need to continue the political movement until the military coup authorities are overthrown, Bakhit Abdallah from the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) in El Gedaref told Radio Dabanga.
The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) recorded 173 injuries during yesterday's protests, including many gunshot wounds.
Darfur student protests
In North Darfur's capital El Fasher student demonstrations entered their second day yesterday, high school and elementary school students participating in the city.
The students denounced the deterioration of living conditions and the increase in the price of bread, which rose to 50 pounds per piece.
Yesterday, the Department of Secondary Education in El Fasher issued a decision to suspend studies in public and private secondary schools, starting from today, provided that studies will resume next Sunday.
Protests to ‘restore the dignity of teachers’
On Sunday, marches were already held in various districts of Khartoum to promote yesterday's Marches of the Millions, announced by the Resistance Committees under the slogan of 'restoring the dignity of teachers'.
The resistance committees also announced a week of Marches of the Millions in which roads would be barricaded from six in the morning until five in the afternoon, until Thursday.
The Khartoum committees also called on trade unions to show solidarity and increase their presence at the marches by forming strike committees and coordinating them with the resistance committees.
Sudanese teachers have been on strike for over a month over pay disputes and mistreatment by authorities.