Sudan teachers and lecturers strike amid pay disputes
The primary and secondary teachers strike in South Kordofan has entered its fifth day of protest, in demand of recuperating their full financial dues.

The primary and secondary teachers strike in South Kordofan has entered its fifth day of protest, in demand of their full financial dues.
Mr Bahloul, head of the teacher’s union in South Kordofan, told Radio Dabanga that the primary and secondary teachers in various localities across South Kordofan, have been owed back-payments from as far back as 2020. He also stated that a salary top-up which was meant to come in effect had also not been received, leaving the teachers in a state of complete financial insecurity.
Bahloul explained that their strike scheduled for next Thursday will turn into an open strike if they do not receive their full financial dues. Bahloul stated that all the governors in South Kordofan would be punished for not acknowledging their financial grievances.
Lecturers at the Sudan University of Science and Technology participated in an open strike yesterday, to protest the refusal of the authorities to implement the decision made by Sudan’s former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok on their salary structure.
The lecturers committee at Sudan University of Science and Technology said that the disastrous financial impact for the university lecturers threatens the entire educational process, and confirmed the continuation of the strike until their salary demands are met.