Angry crowds gather at late student’s funeral

The funeral of Abdul Hakim Abdullah Musa, the student killed by security authorities on Monday took place in Omdurman with crowds of people chanting slogans against the government. Witnesses said the family of Musa were joined by hundreds of students and residents to carry the body from the morgue down to the cemetery. They said the outraged crowd chanted anti government slogans, calling president Al Bashir a ‘butcher’ and saying they stand in allegiance with Ocampo, the prosecutor at the international criminal court in stating the arrests will come only in a matter of time. Security forces reportedly moved to disperse the crowd with tear gas and excessively beat the mourners. Witnesses said a number of mourners fainted during the aggressive response. Activist Naghla Sayed Ahmed was also taken to hospital after suffering a severe beating.

The funeral of Abdul Hakim Abdullah Musa, the student killed by security authorities on Monday took place in Omdurman with crowds of people chanting slogans against the government.

Witnesses said the family of Musa were joined by hundreds of students and residents to carry the body from the morgue down to the cemetery.

They said the outraged crowd chanted anti government slogans, calling president Al Bashir a ‘butcher’ and saying they stand in allegiance with Ocampo, the prosecutor at the international criminal court in stating the arrests will come only in a matter of time.

Security forces reportedly moved to disperse the crowd with tear gas and excessively beat the mourners.

Witnesses said a number of mourners fainted during the aggressive response.

Activist Naghla Sayed Ahmed was also taken to hospital after suffering a severe beating.





