Zamzam voluntary police complain about treatment by UNAMID

Voluntary police at Zamzam Camp in North Darfur are unhappy with the UN-African Union Mission for failing to meet their demands. Local sources said that a meeting between UNAMID’s social police department and close to a hundred displaced people working voluntarily in the social police or social safety in Zamzam Camp ended in failure on Saturday.

Voluntary police at Zamzam Camp in North Darfur are unhappy with the UN-African Union Mission for failing to meet their demands. Local sources said that a meeting between UNAMID’s social police department and close to a hundred displaced people working voluntarily in the social police or social safety in Zamzam Camp ended in failure on Saturday. The displaced people rejected what they called UNAMID’s failure to provide for the basic demands of the voluntary staff for close to six months. The demands of the voluntary social police include the provision of special emergency numbers to speed up sending complaints, cards for the voluntary police, special incentives for work and movement. No agreements were reached regarding the demands and the displaced voluntary staff called on UNAMID to keep its obligation.

