Zam Zam Camp terrorized by Central Reserve Police

Saturday night, soldiers from the Central Reserve Police ‘Abu Tira’ discharged their weapons again and again in the air, in Zam Zam Camp for displaced people, near El Fasher, North Darfur. This caused great fear among the displaced people, and they complained about it to UNAMID.

Saturday night, soldiers from the Central Reserve Police ‘Abu Tira’ discharged their weapons again and again in the air, in Zam Zam Camp for displaced people, near El Fasher, North Darfur. This caused great fear among the displaced people, and they complained about it to UNAMID.

An activist from Zam Zam Camp told Radio Dabanga, that during a routine meeting with UNAMID about security in the camp. Displaced persons asked UNAMID to press the commander of the Central Reserve Police, to stop these police brutalities, and crack down on offending officers.

