Woman, baby die in Darfur bombing

A woman and her six-month-old child were killed on Wednesday when an aircraft of the Sudanese Air Force dropped bombs south of Fanga in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra.

A woman and her six-month-old child were killed on Wednesday when an aircraft of the Sudanese Air Force dropped bombs south of Fanga in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra.

A relative of the deceased told Radio Dabanga that the aircraft flew above the Fanga area for two hours. It dropped 12 barrels of explosives, three of which fell near Mariam Omer Ishag and her baby Ishaq Suleiman Saleh who were on their way to a farm. It killed both of them instantly, along with their donkey. A number of other livestock were also killed.

He added that on Tuesday, another plane dropped three explosive barrels in the Kokirro area west of Fanga, which killed seven cows, five goats and three donkeys. 

