Water, health crisis deepening in Port Sudan

Several districts of Port Sudan are witnessing an acute shortage of drinking water, attributed to distribution problems as there is sufficient water in the main reservoirs. Health services are also deteriorating in Red Sea state.

Several districts of Port Sudan are witnessing an acute shortage of drinking water, attributed to distribution problems as there is sufficient water in the main reservoirs. Health services are also deteriorating in Red Sea state.

Journalist Osman Hashim told Radio Dabanga from Port Sudan on Wednesday that the crisis includes El Gadisiya and Umm Algura.

Hashim said “the health services are experiencing multiple crises, in conjunction with the political crisis in the Red Sea state, which resulted in a Vote of No Confidence in the Minister of Social Affairs, and dismissal of the Minister of Finance.

He explained that the state hospitals are experiencing an unprecedented deterioration in the health environment, scarcity of doctors, and medical staff assistance.

Hashim said that the state has contracted Egyptian doctors to meet the shortage by doubling their wages in comparison to the Sudanese doctors, “but for months they have not performed their tasks in spite of receiving their full salaries.

