US satellite pictures discover mass graves in South Kordofan

The US control Group, founded by US actor George Clooney, discovered irregularities on satellite pictures of South Kordofan. After thorough analysis, they concluded that these irregularities point towards the existence of three mass graves in Kadugli, containing more than 100 bodies. Witnesses claimed that bodies were removed from the market in Kadugli and from villages in the region, and dumped in these pits, not one kilometer from Tello village school. According to these witnesses, Sudanese army troops and allied militias carried out “ the ethnic cleansing” in South Kordofan, allegedly targeting people of the Nuba tribes.

The US control Group, founded by US actor George Clooney, discovered irregularities on satellite pictures of South Kordofan. After thorough analysis, they concluded that these irregularities point towards the existence of three mass graves in Kadugli, containing more than 100 bodies.

Witnesses claimed that bodies were removed from the market in Kadugli and from villages in the region, and dumped in these pits, not one kilometer from Tello village school. According to these witnesses, Sudanese army troops and allied militias carried out “ the ethnic cleansing” in South Kordofan, allegedly targeting people of the Nuba tribes.

