UNHCR-led investigation headed for South Kordofan

Meanwhile, locals complain of further attacks by the SAFAn investigation led by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) left for  South Kordofan on Sunday to evaluate the local humanitarian situation in the region, UN spokesperson Farhan Haq told AFP.

Meanwhile, locals complain of further attacks by the SAF

An investigation led by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) left for  South Kordofan on Sunday to evaluate the local humanitarian situation in the region, UN spokesperson Farhan Haq told AFP.The working group comprises members from the World Food Program (WFP), UNICEF, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO) and representatives from the Sudanese Ministry of Humanitarian affairs, apart from the UNHCR.

Haq explained that the mission will last four days during which food stocks and means of relief will be assessed. He also expressed the mission’s hope to be able to conduct investigations in several places.

In the meantime, witnesses revealed to Radio Dabanga that one MEG-and one Antonov plane had carried out several attacks in the area of Kajora area (about 15km south from Dilling) on Saturday.

The operation led to the death of 27 cows, while the witnesses added that the areas of Karko, Mendel, Toy and Sepoy had also suffered bombings on that day. The losses resulting from these attacks could not be determined yet.

Last week the SAF were reported to have struck South Kordofan. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-North) had also confimed earlier this month of repeated shelling carried out by the SAF in the region.


