Unamid peacekeepers repel North Darfur attack

Unidentified armed men aboard a gun-mounted vehicle opened fire on a Unamid patrol team near the mission’s site in North Darfur last Wednesday. The peacekeepers returned fire until the perpetrators dispersed and ran away.

Unidentified armed men aboard a gun-mounted vehicle opened fire on a Unamid patrol team near the mission's site in North Darfur last Wednesday. The peacekeepers returned fire until the perpetrators dispersed and ran away.

The attack occurred between Bowa and Turmes villages, just 18 kilometers north-west of Unamid's team site in Kutum. The Mission's patrol team, which comprised of 39 peacekeepers, was on its way back to the team site after escorting a World Food Programme (WFP) convoy.

No damage was recorded to Unamid personnel or property and the incident has been reported to the local authorities, according to a statement released by the Mission on Friday.

