UN considers cutting UNAMID budget, reducing peacekeepers

On Thursday the UN decided to reduce the number of soldiers and police in the joint UN/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) by 4,000, citing improved security across parts of Darfur. Herve Ladsous told the UN Security Council that the number of troops should be reduced by 3,260 or 16 percent due to improved security along the border between Sudan and Chad. He stressed that UNAMID would reduce the number of peacekeepers over an 18 month period. UNAMID failed to protectDisplaced and refugee activists told Radio Dabanga ‘improved security in parts of Darfur’ is inaccurate and the daily rapes, looting, murder and displacement of civilians along with impunity for perpetrators and militants continue to terrorise them with no end in sight. Hamad Latem, coordinator of camps for displaced people in North Darfur accused UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari of purposely misleading the international community and failing to protect civilians. He added that Gambari should immediately resign. US ambassador to the UN Sudan Rice who chaired the UNSC this month, said she had not felt any concern among the Council of the proposed budget cuts and reduction in troop numbers of UNAMID. Sudan welcomes proposal Sudan’s ambassador to the UN Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman supported the proposals and said ‘it’s very encouraging for the peace process’, which was the result of the Doha peace document signed between the government and the Liberation and Justice Movement. The UNSC is expected to renew the mandate for UNAMID and agree cuts by the end of July.

On Thursday the UN decided to reduce the number of soldiers and police in the joint UN/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) by 4,000, citing improved security across parts of Darfur.

Herve Ladsous told the UN Security Council that the number of troops should be reduced by 3,260 or 16 percent due to improved security along the border between Sudan and Chad.

He stressed that UNAMID would reduce the number of peacekeepers over an 18 month period.

UNAMID failed to protect

Displaced and refugee activists told Radio Dabanga ‘improved security in parts of Darfur’ is inaccurate and the daily rapes, looting, murder and displacement of civilians along with impunity for perpetrators and militants continue to terrorise them with no end in sight.

Hamad Latem, coordinator of camps for displaced people in North Darfur accused UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari of purposely misleading the international community and failing to protect civilians.

He added that Gambari should immediately resign.

US ambassador to the UN Sudan Rice who chaired the UNSC this month, said she had not felt any concern among the Council of the proposed budget cuts and reduction in troop numbers of UNAMID.

Sudan welcomes proposal

Sudan’s ambassador to the UN Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman supported the proposals and said ‘it’s very encouraging for the peace process’, which was the result of the Doha peace document signed between the government and the Liberation and Justice Movement.

The UNSC is expected to renew the mandate for UNAMID and agree cuts by the end of July.

