Two Sudan Appeal signatories, SPLM-N official detained

Agents of the Sudan Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained Faroug Abu Eisa, leader of the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties), Dr Amin Mekki Madani, chairman of the Sudanese Civil Society Initiative, and Dr Farah El Agar, senior consultant of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), on Saturday evening.The three leaders were detained at their homes in Khartoum and Omdurman, a day after returning from Addis Ababa, multiple sources told Radio Dabanga. In Addis, they met with the AU High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) mediation team for Sudan to discuss their participation in the National Dialogue, as proposed by President Omar Al Bashir earlier this year.In separate talks with the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF, an alliance of the main rebel movements), and the National Umma Party (NUP), Abu Eisa (81) and Madani (75) agreed on the text of the Sudan Appeal, a political communiqué calling for regime change, and signed the two-page document on 3 December. Conditions The Sudan Appeal, co-signed by El Mahdi and Minni Minawi, SRF co-vice president, is a follow-up of the Paris Declaration agreed on by the NUP and the SRF on 8 August, in which they pledged to unite Sudan’s opposition forces to achieve a comprehensive political solution for the many crises in the country.In the new communiqué, the opposition forces, extended with the NCF and the Sudanese civil society, reiterate their conditions for a broad dialogue, and a democratic transformation in the country’s current one-party system. They demand an end to the wars, the restoration of civil freedoms, and the formation of a broad interim government that will prepare the way for the building of a democratic Sudan. The AU Peace and Security Council, in its 465th Meeting in on 12 September this year, decided to support these same conditions.A spokesman for the ruling National Congress Party said on Friday that the signatories of the Sudan Appeal document will face criminal charges. After her return from Paris on 12 August, Dr Maryam El Mahdi, NUP Co-Vice-President, was detained by NISS officers at Khartoum airport. She was released on 9 September without having been officially charged. Her father, El Sadig El Mahdi, has not returned to Sudan since he signed the Paris Declaration. File photo: Faroug Abu Eisa, NCF chairman of the National Consensus Forces signs the Sudan Appeal document in Addis Ababa, 3 December 2014 (Radio Dabanga correspondent) Related:‘Sudan Appeal fait accompli for Khartoum regime’: rebel leader (4 December 2014) Opposition forces sign ‘Sudan Appeal’ in Addis Ababa (3 December 2014)Dr Maryam El Mahdi released by Sudan security (9 September 2014)

Agents of the Sudan Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained Faroug Abu Eisa, leader of the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties), Dr Amin Mekki Madani, chairman of the Sudanese Civil Society Initiative, and Dr Farah El Agar, senior consultant of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), on Saturday evening.

The three leaders were detained at their homes in Khartoum and Omdurman, a day after returning from Addis Ababa, multiple sources told Radio Dabanga. In Addis, they met with the AU High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) mediation team for Sudan to discuss their participation in the National Dialogue, as proposed by President Omar Al Bashir earlier this year.

In separate talks with the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF, an alliance of the main rebel movements), and the National Umma Party (NUP), Abu Eisa (81) and Madani (75) agreed on the text of the Sudan Appeal, a political communiqué calling for regime change, and signed the two-page document on 3 December.


The Sudan Appeal, co-signed by El Mahdi and Minni Minawi, SRF co-vice president, is a follow-up of the Paris Declaration agreed on by the NUP and the SRF on 8 August, in which they pledged to unite Sudan’s opposition forces to achieve a comprehensive political solution for the many crises in the country.

In the new communiqué, the opposition forces, extended with the NCF and the Sudanese civil society, reiterate their conditions for a broad dialogue, and a democratic transformation in the country’s current one-party system. They demand an end to the wars, the restoration of civil freedoms, and the formation of a broad interim government that will prepare the way for the building of a democratic Sudan. The AU Peace and Security Council, in its 465th Meeting in on 12 September this year, decided to support these same conditions.

A spokesman for the ruling National Congress Party said on Friday that the signatories of the Sudan Appeal document will face criminal charges.

After her return from Paris on 12 August, Dr Maryam El Mahdi, NUP Co-Vice-President, was detained by NISS officers at Khartoum airport. She was released on 9 September without having been officially charged. Her father, El Sadig El Mahdi, has not returned to Sudan since he signed the Paris Declaration.

File photo: Faroug Abu Eisa, NCF chairman of the National Consensus Forces signs the Sudan Appeal document in Addis Ababa, 3 December 2014 (Radio Dabanga correspondent)


‘Sudan Appeal fait accompli for Khartoum regime’: rebel leader (4 December 2014)

Opposition forces sign ‘Sudan Appeal’ in Addis Ababa (3 December 2014)

Dr Maryam El Mahdi released by Sudan security (9 September 2014)


