Two students arrested in El-Daein

The Sudanese Security Services arrested two students in El-Daein, in Darfur, on Tuesday. The students, Shaker Ibrahim the University of Khartoum and Mohammad Abdullah Abdul Al Majid of the Omdurman Ahlia University, were travelling from Aweel in South Sudan to their hometown Nyala. A relative of the students told Radio Dabanga the students, aged 24 and 22 years old,  were arrested without any carge in El-Daein. He demanded the Sudanese authorities to immediately release the students or allow their families and lawyers to visit and ensure a fair trial.

The Sudanese Security Services arrested two students in El-Daein, in Darfur, on Tuesday. The students, Shaker Ibrahim the University of Khartoum and Mohammad Abdullah Abdul Al Majid of the Omdurman Ahlia University, were travelling from Aweel in South Sudan to their hometown Nyala.

A relative of the students told Radio Dabanga the students, aged 24 and 22 years old,  were arrested without any carge in El-Daein. He demanded the Sudanese authorities to immediately release the students or allow their families and lawyers to visit and ensure a fair trial. 

