Two girls raped by ten armed man outside Kassab camp

Two displaced girls from Kassab camp in Kutum were raped in the forest by an armed group. The girls were gathering firewood in the forest when ten men in military uniforms approached them and turned turns in raping the girls. Two other woman and a man who tried to escape were severely injured after the armed men opened fire on them but they did not follow the woman.

Two displaced girls from Kassab camp in Kutum were raped in the forest by an armed group. The girls were gathering firewood in the forest when ten men in military uniforms approached them and turned turns in raping the girls. Two other woman and a man who tried to escape were severely injured after the armed men opened fire on them but they did not follow the woman. The two woman were brought to the hospital for treatment of their shot wounds.  Displaced people told Radio Dabanga that more than forty complaints were filed in one month regarding rape, murder and physical abuse but the authorities did not respond on them.  

