UNAMID car runs over child in Wadi Salih

Armed forces in the city of Qarsila detained several UNAMID cars from Sunday til yesterday evening after one UNAMID car ran over a child. A witness told Radio Dabanga that around a hundred armed men detained fifteen UNAMID vehicles at Qarsila police station, after the incident happened that led to the death of the young girl. Reportedly the armed men refused to let the cars go until a fee of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds was paid as a fine.

Armed forces in the city of Qarsila detained several UNAMID cars from Sunday til yesterday evening after one UNAMID car ran over a child. A witness told Radio Dabanga that around a hundred armed men detained fifteen UNAMID vehicles at Qarsila police station, after the incident happened that led to the death of the young girl. Reportedly the armed men refused to let the cars go until a fee of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds was paid as a fine.


The UNAMID envoy expressed its regret over the incident and passed its condolences to the family of the girl that had died. The spokesperson of the envoy told Radio Dabanga that the investigators of UNAMID and the police are currently investigating the incident, and will leave it up to the court to decide on the consequences.

