Two boys killed, two more missing in South Darfur

Two displaced minors were killed on Saturday when gunmen attacked a group of youngsters collecting straw in Gireida locality, South Darfur. Two other minors are missing. A relative of the two dead told Radio Dabanga that “government-backed Janjaweed” opened fire on a group of four youngsters at about 10am on Saturday morning. The group, from the Um Zukhrat camp for the displaced in Gireida locality, were collecting straw in the area of Rijil Shanga, south of the camp. Esam Abu Bakr (14) and Mohamed Ismail Mohamed (14) died instantly. The two others are still missing. A “rescue team” formed by people who had heard the shooting went to search for the boys. They found Abu Bakr and Mohamed lying on the ground in a pool of blood, the relative said. The attack was reported to the police and Unamid. Yet, no one moved to trace the perpetrators. The relative noted that many of the displaced who left the camp to collect firewood and straw have been killed, raped, beaten, and robbed by militiamen. “None of the assailants have ever been arrested, let alone brought to justice.” File photo (Albert González Farran/Unamid) Related: Villagers assaulted in Central Darfur (19 January 2014) ‘Firewood fees’ levied in North Darfur’s Kabkabiya (13 January 2014) Attacks kill two, wound four in South Darfur (12 January 2014) Women gang-raped, wood gatherers threatened in South Darfur (5 January 2014)

Two displaced minors were killed on Saturday when gunmen attacked a group of youngsters collecting straw in Gireida locality, South Darfur. Two other minors are missing.

A relative of the two dead told Radio Dabanga that “government-backed Janjaweed” opened fire on a group of four youngsters at about 10am on Saturday morning. The group, from the Um Zukhrat camp for the displaced in Gireida locality, were collecting straw in the area of Rijil Shanga, south of the camp. Esam Abu Bakr (14) and Mohamed Ismail Mohamed (14) died instantly. The two others are still missing.

A “rescue team” formed by people who had heard the shooting went to search for the boys. They found Abu Bakr and Mohamed lying on the ground in a pool of blood, the relative said.

The attack was reported to the police and Unamid. Yet, no one moved to trace the perpetrators. The relative noted that many of the displaced who left the camp to collect firewood and straw have been killed, raped, beaten, and robbed by militiamen. “None of the assailants have ever been arrested, let alone brought to justice.”

File photo (Albert González Farran/Unamid)


Villagers assaulted in Central Darfur (19 January 2014)

‘Firewood fees’ levied in North Darfur’s Kabkabiya (13 January 2014)

Attacks kill two, wound four in South Darfur (12 January 2014)

Women gang-raped, wood gatherers threatened in South Darfur (5 January 2014)


