Thousands protest across Darfur demanding downfall of regime

Thousands of people protested against the government yesterday. In the cities of El Fasher, Nyala and Zalingei people went to the street demanding an end to the airstrikes leading to killings and displacements. They also demanded the downfall of the government and for Bashir to be tried by the ICC in the Hague. The protesters claimed that the problems in Darfur and Sudan will not be solved unless the NCP and its leaders are removed from power.

Thousands of people protested against the government yesterday. In the cities of El Fasher, Nyala and Zalingei people went to the street demanding an end to the airstrikes leading to killings and displacements. They also demanded the downfall of the government and for Bashir to be tried by the ICC in the Hague. The protesters claimed that the problems in Darfur and Sudan will not be solved unless the NCP and its leaders are removed from power.

In Zalingei, thousands of displaced people together with inhabitants of the town went out into the street calling for the downfall of the regime. The police responded by using sticks and tear gass and even firing at the people with guns. Witnesses varified that there were many wounded who were taken to the hospital, and that many had been arrested.

In El Fasher, almost two thousand IDP’s of El-Dasher camp joined a demonstration repeating slogans demanding the downfall of the regime and an end to the air strikes that killed 27 people this week. Witnesses said that the police entered El-Dasher camp where the demonstration was taking place, using tear gass and sticks to disperce the protesters. The witnesses added that a large number of protesters were arrested, including Elham Yusuf Mohammed Abdul Majeed, Mohi Eldeen and Farah Adam Ishaq.

In Nyala finally, thousands went out to protests against the government with slogans saying: ‘ the people want the downfall of the regime’ and ‘Ocampo, you are right’. The demonstration started at Nyala University where 1000 students assembled. From there, the demonstration moved to the market in the middle of the city where the students were joined by civilians and traders calling for an end to the regime and for Bashir to be sent to the ICC. Witness said that police and security forces used excessive force to separate the protesters, including firing bullets and using sticks and tear-gas. Many people were wounded and tens of protesters were arrested.

