♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s news highlights from Darfur and Sudan

Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments, Nasredin Mofreh (Social media)

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's news highlights from Darfur and Sudan

♦  Minister apologises to Sudan’s Christians for their suffering

December 26 – 2019 KHARTOUM In a speech to mark Christmas, Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments has expressed his apology to Christians for “the unjust and clumsy policies” that their families and their religion were subjected to during the deposed Al Bashir regime.

Minister Nasredin Mofreh also apologised to Sudanese Christians “for the oppression and harm inflicted on your bodies, the destruction of your temples, the theft of your property, and the unjust arrest and prosecution of your servants and confiscation of church buildings”.

He affirmed that the essence of the divine religions is one, as they all agree in overall and general goals to preserve life, dignity and uphold the values of justice, peace, and love.

“Let’s unite and celebrate our beautiful unique diversity,” Mofreh said.

He called for the necessity to uphold the values of religious tolerance, fraternal solidarity, family cohesion, and preserving the values of mutual compassion and solidarity established in Islam and Christianity.

December 31 – 2019 EL GENEINA Peace talks regarding the Darfur track have been suspended after several people died in clashes between Arab herdsmen and Masalit tribesmen in El Geneina, capital of West Darfur.

The violence erupted on Sunday, between the two groups near Kerending camp for displaced people, east of El Geneina. A source told Radio Dabanga that the clashes were sparked by the killing of one of the herdsmen, allegedly by displaced people at the camp on Sunday.

The fighting in which heavy weapons were used, continued on Monday, and led to the closure of shops, government institutions, and schools. All traffic except for military vehicles came to a halt.

The exact number of casualties is still unclear. The West Darfur security committee reported on Monday that five people were killed. Others speak of eight fatalities.  Kerending camps 1 and 2 allegedly burned to ashes.

The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance announced the suspension of the peace negotiations on the Darfur track after the incident in El Geneina. They hold the government in Khartoum responsible, and will only return to the negotiation table after a proper investigation into the violence.

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Sudan silences Salafist media platform
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PM Hamdok: Sudan govt set to restore justice, rebuild army
December 27 – 2019 KHARTOUM In his speech on the occasion of the first anniversary of the December revolution in Khartoum on Wednesday, Sudan's Prime Ministerr Abdallah Hamdok pledged …

Peace talks between Sudan govt, SPLM-N El Hilu suspended
December 27 – 2019 JUBA The third round of Sudan’s peace negotiations resumed in the South Sudanese capital of Juba on Thursday, after a one-day break for Christmas. While Khartoum and …

Cannabis seized in various parts of Sudan
December 27 – 2019 KHARTOUM Sudan’s General Office for Combating Drugs in Khartoum reported the seizure of more than 16,000 cannabis cobs in various parts of Sudan. The director …

Prosecutors in Sudan quiz Al Bashir’s wife about wealth, jewellery
December 26 – 2019 KHARTOUM Sudan’s General Intelligence Service (GIS) says the second wife of ousted president Omar Al Bashir has once again been questioned by prosecutors about …

IMF: ‘Bold and comprehensive decisions, reforms needed to stabilise Sudan economy'
December 25 – 2019 KHARTOUM The International Monetary Fund (IMF) office in Sudan says that Khartoum needs to take bold and comprehensive decisions and reforms in order to stabilise …

Juba peace talks: ‘Breakthrough accord’ on central Sudan track
December 25 – 2019 JUBA The government and the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance signed a final peace accord on the central Sudan track in Juba on Tuesday in what negotiators …

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