Surprise visit by governor to Darfur mega-camp sparks fear

Hamid Musa Kasha, the governor of south of Darfur, made a surprise visit to Kalma Camp last week, sparking fear. Displaced people  were alarmed at the large number of cars accompanying him as he entered the camp. His visit lasted a short time only.

Hamid Musa Kasha, the governor of south of Darfur, made a surprise visit to Kalma Camp last week, sparking fear. Displaced people  were alarmed at the large number of cars accompanying him as he entered the camp. His visit lasted a short time only. The displaced said Kasha stopped briefly at the market in the camp and posed questions to some of those present on their conditions and the transfer of displaced people to a new camp. Kasha’s arrival sparked fear and suspicion, sources told Radio Dabanga. Leaders of the displaced went to UNAMID and submitted a memorandum to protest the way in which Kasha entered the camp.

